Even when you feel completely alone, your guides are always with you. Before your incarnation, they chose to accompany you through your lifetime, from the moment of your first breath until your last. These spirit guides are highly evolved beings that have completed their own journey of wisdom and are now serving as teachers and guides to further elevate their vibrations. They are as real as you are; they are just vibrating at another level and reside in another plane of existence.
Spirit guides work to guide you through your dreams and intuition. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also make themselves known to you through signs and symbols. For me, when I am at a crossroads in my life or journeying through a personal or emotional challenge, I find signs from wild animals and birds. I usually notice them because I find them in a very unexpected place or the behavior they are exhibiting is so unusual that I can't help but notice them. It is a reminder for me to be still and listen to the guidance of my own personal guides.
Some individuals have one guide, while others have multitudes, depending on the path and purpose of their life. For instance, a teacher or professor may have several guides, one to guide them through the academic nature of their profession and others to assist them with the great emotional requirements of performing such an important task. Much of who your guides are is indicative of your own personal journey through life.
Spirit guides are almost never a loved one who has passed away. Although our loved ones stay with us in spirit and we can contact them, they do not serve the same role as a spirit guide. Some individuals have archangels and angels as spirit guides who are always with them. Yet, the presence of angels does not always mean they are your spirit guides. Angels can be called in times of distress to assist you for a short time. If you have an archangel or angel as a guide, chances are your mission in life is a complex one. Through my experience as a psychic reader and spiritual teacher, I have found that individuals with a challenging life path often have angels as spirit guides.
Your spirit guide is always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence or not. You cannot call them to you or send them away; they are part of you and your journey. However, you can choose to gain knowledge of who they are and what their role in your life is. You can interact with your spirit guides in a more proactive way. If you want to know who your guides are, just ask. Get in a quiet and meditative space and ask that they reveal themselves to you. Do not get discouraged if you do not figure it out right away. Beings from the spiritual realm often communicate through signs and symbols. Once you ask, you must trust your own wisdom. Pay attention to the pictures that appear in your mind. If you see a man in a suit, stay with that; it could be he is a philosopher or scientist. You may see a Native American, a Buddhist monk, or you may see nothing at all. Keep your mind and intuition open. Pay attention to things that keep coming up after you have asked that they reveal who they are. If you are having a challenge discovering who they are, you can also contact a professional psychic or intuitive to assist you.
Working with your spirit guides can be an incredible tool for your own personal and spiritual growth. Unlike beings who are in the physical, their wisdom and advice are not influenced by the world. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane, and the mundane particulars of your situation are not relevant. For example, if you seek guidance from your spirit guide regarding a relationship, they will lead you to focus on what you are learning, what you need to learn, what you are teaching your partner, and what is the true meaning of your relationship. The fact that they leave the toilet seat up or are terrible at budgeting the household finances will be irrelevant. The information that you will be provided with will be actions that you can take to gain more understanding. You can also ask your spirit guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that as you are sleeping, you receive healing.
A word of caution if you are asking whether you should or should not pursue a certain choice. If you word the question like "should I take this job? should I date this person?" You will likely get a yes even if it's an experience that will turn out to be quite painful and negative. It is better to word the question in this way. "What lessons will I learn if I date this person, or if I take this job?" Listen carefully for an answer or watch carefully for signs. If you are an intuitive knower or feeler, it is important to understand how your body registers intuitive information. Sometimes, the answer is that you will learn about betrayal or some other emotionally intense experience. You then have more information to decide if you really want to learn that kind of lesson.
You are never alone. Never. Take faith in knowing and understanding that there is so much magic and mystery in this life. Just for a moment, let the world disappear. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of spirit to wash over you. Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts, and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty, and peace that you never knew existed. Of course, you can always choose not to believe. It is always your choice. But why not? Why not step into another level of existence? Why not believe in magic? You do not have to announce it to the office, but you can embrace the wonders of spirit in your own heart. It will envelop you in a light of love and understanding and will mysteriously transform you into a more connected and loving being.
If you are looking to deepen your connection with your guides and embrace the magic and wisdom they offer, consider using some helpful tools. Journaling can be a powerful way to document your experiences and insights. I recommend trying my [Gratitude Journal](#), which helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life and opens your heart to the guidance of your spirit guides. Additionally, my [Shadow Work Journal](#) can assist you in uncovering and healing the deeper aspects of your psyche, paving the way for a stronger connection with your guides.

For those seeking more interactive guidance, I invite you to watch my [YouTube video on Connecting with Your Guides](#). This video provides practical steps and meditative practices to help you establish a clearer and more profound connection with your spirit guides and angels.
Embracing the presence of spirit guides and angels in your life can be a transformative experience. By opening your heart and mind to their guidance, you invite a deeper understanding of your life's journey and the lessons you are meant to learn. Remember, you are never alone. Your guides are always with you, ready to offer their wisdom and support. Trust in their presence, and allow their guidance to lead you to a life filled with love, peace, and spiritual growth.
Booking a session with me for energy healing offers you the unique opportunity to benefit from over 10 years of experience and expertise in this transformative field. My specialized techniques, honed over a decade of practice, are highly effective in clearing energy blockages, restoring balance, and enhancing overall well-being. During our session, I will tailor my approach to your specific needs, utilizing methods such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and intuitive healing to address physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, chronic pain, emotional traumas, or a deeper connection with your inner self, my personalized energy healing sessions provide the support and guidance necessary for profound transformation. Take the first step towards a more balanced and vibrant life by scheduling your session with me today. Specify in the notes whether it is in person or remote (can be done through text, phone call or zoom). Go here to book single sessions or here for package discount. For my VIP free consultation click here.
Take the first step today. Embrace the magic, listen to the whispers of your guides, and let their light illuminate your path. You are surrounded by divine companions who are eager to help you on your journey. All you need to do is ask and be open to receiving their guidance.